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Disc Burning Dreamcast Games

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So, obviously there's no one really profiting from the Dreamcast nowadays. It's a 25 year old console, Sega isn't exactly filling shelves with new copies of Virtua Fighter 3 tb, so I have very little qualms with making my own copies of Dreamcast games rather than attempting to hunt down one of the few people who might still have a legitimate copy of an American Dreamcast game. All that said, here's how it's all gone so far.

At first, I actually paid someone else to get the games for me. I didn't have much experience hunting down ROMs or burning discs. Plus, they have a disc engraver and made a custom box case, so the whole thing felt a lot closer to a legit game than the ones I've made myself now, where I just kinda label it with Sharpie and place it in a clear case, so there are pluses and minuses.

The games I got from the guy were:

They all worked great, the guy clearly knows either where to get good ROMs, or how to do good rips himself. But recently, I decided I wanted to work on burning my own discs and could use som practice. The first disc I burned was actually a copy of Sunset of the Elements, where in order for it to work I had to do a whole bunch of other steps, but that's a topic for a different entry.

I'll come back to finish this later