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These are my games and game projects!

Sunset of the Elements

This is the first (and currently, only) finished, long-term project I made. With a few years of hindsight, I can tell it's not exactly great, or even all that good, but it is something I made, and so I love it all the same. It took me over a year to make it, and I'm currently working on the other part of its story with the sequel. If you ask me, the best parts of this game are the relatively short length and the optional bonding scenes. This is a valuable first project, but please, it has a normal price of $1.50 for a reason.

Get the game here:

New Dawn For the Elements

The sequel to Sunset of the Elements, currently in development. This one is going to take a while, I've been making tiles and using plugins for this one, and it's just a longer game to begin with. There's going to be tons of art, much more original music (Or at least, music that doesn't originate from the MV RTP), and hopefully Voice Acting (I ran out of money to pay for VAs, and I'm not gonna ask for volunteer work on a project that I intend to make money off of, that's be unethical).

This here is the first demo, released for RPG Maker Web's Feedback Festival. It has the first two chapters:

Free games!

I have made a few games for game jams. These are free. I make no guarantees to their quality, but I can say they're all short.