Home My Games About Me Art Booth

This is a hard page to make, in part because I'm currently using the free version of Neocities, so I can't go all willy-nilly with uploading images here, so I'm going to have to be discerning. I also want to have a watermark on the copies I upload now, so I need to get one made before I even start.

The plan for this page is to show off the art that I make and sell at conventions. I guess this could be called "marketing"? The reason the pictures aren't already here is because of the previously mentioned watermarking, and because I tend to make pages while away from home, so I don't actually have the pictures until I remember to upload them.

Other pages with my art

There are going to be other pages with collections of my art that were made for whatever the page is about. I don't want to make this section feel redundant, so I'll just link over there

Sunset of the Elements

The Art Booth News!

One of my many projects is the occasional art booth I run at conventions! Here's what you need to know about the next one I'll be doing:

You can also get some of my designs as products on Redbubble, from the shop "TimelineMarcus". In my experience, they are lesser quality than what I sell in-person, but it allows me to not worry about order fulfillment and shipping labels and whatnot.